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contoh kalimat college student

"college student" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • These are college students, Mensa members, dropouts
    Ini adalah mahasiswa , anggota Mensa , putus sekolah
  • He is just a college student? Must be from a third-rate college.
    Bagaimanapun. ada satu syarat.
  • College student Kira, who doesn't kill during class.
    Seorang mahasiswa, Kira, tak membunuh selama ada kelas.
  • A bunch of college students, six of them.
    Kau tahu tentang mereka? Kenapa tidak kau katakan?
  • I was on a trek with 24 college students
    Aku melakukan perjalanan bersama dengan 24 mahasiswa
  • "I was a college student and your father a mechanic"
    "Aku seorang mahasiswa dan ayahmu montir"
  • She was just being a college student.
    Dia hanya melakukan apa yang biasa anak kuliahan lakukan.
  • Still have not been able to locate the two college students.
    Masih belum dapat menemukan dua mahasiswa.
  • I think they were Holy Cross college students.
    Saya rasa mereka mahasiswa Kampus Holy Cross.
  • A college student and a mad person abduct you..
    Seorang mahasiswi dan orang gila menculikmu..
  • The boy was Nomi Tadahiko, 19, a Junior College student.
    Lelakinya bernama Nomi Tadahiko, 19 tahun, mahasiswa junior.
  • Komori Miha 19 years old Women's college student
    Komori Miha 19 tahun Perempuan mahasiswa
  • Komori Miha 19 years old Women's college student
    Komori Miha 19 tahun Perempuan mahasiswa
  • Either a college student or a teacher.
    Seperti murid perguruan tinggi atau seorang guru.
  • I tried the tenure track, but college students are already too culturally informed.
    Aku mencoba di universitas, tapi
  • Our Ji Hoo - day he became a college student
    Ji Hoo kami - Hari pertama jadi mahasiswa
  • I heard he left his wife for some college student.
    Aku dengar dia meninggalkan istrinya demi seorang siswi.
  • A suspicious death of a college student.
    Ada kematian yang mencurigakan dari seorang mahasiswa.
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